Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Independence Day Links

Happy Fourth of July, y’all! A day of celebration, to be sure, a day to count our blessings to be part of a nation founded on the principles of freedom when so many worldwide don’t have it, and also a time to commit ourselves to the work of regaining, supporting, and defending those freedoms as our founding fathers envisioned.

Blogs around the world wish Americans a happy Fourth, from Belgium, Australia, Guam (yes, I know that's American territory), Canada, Canada, Sweden, England, England, and England.

How to be an active American citizen.

Nine versions of Stars and Stripes Forever, including the one with the words.

A Birthday Wish for America, from a Canadian.

Keith Olbermann: Bush and Cheney should resign.

Do NOT cook a hot dog by electrocution. Just read about it.

5 Obscure Facts about the Declaration of Independence.

At Miss Cellania, read and see Fireworks.

PS: Please go by and leave a comment for Carlo in Iraq.

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