Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Miss Cellania's Links

Trinkaus: An Informal Look. A lesson in how everyday observations can become “science.”

The Koch brothers plan to spend nearly $900 million to buy the 2016 elections. It’s just a drop from their buckets, but it could spell disaster for us regular folks. (via Metafilter)

A woman goes on her first date after 27 years of marriage. What happened was totally different from anything you might -or even could- guess.

The Rise of Fake Engine Noise. (via Boing Boing)

New York didn’t get as much snow as predicted, but New England sure did. It’s hard to say who wins in this kind of competition.

10 Pieces of Disaster Safety Advice You Should Ignore. We all knew that duck and cover business wasn’t ever going to avert nuclear annihilation.

Two Sundance documentaries explore the blurry border between religion and cult. Going Clear deals with Scientology while Prophet’s Prey looks at Warren Jeff’s FLDS.

Bill Nye The Science Guy Tackles DeflateGate. Along the way, you’ll hear a word he never said on his PBS Kids show.

Imaginary Geography. Fictional worlds can come with their own rather interesting maps.

And Canada's most racist city is....  A lot of people were pissed off about the article, but the mayor is stepping up to change things. (via Metafilter

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