Monday, April 15, 2024

Paint on a Drum

The Slow Mo Guys come up with some crazy ideas, but their aim is to show us neat stuff in slow motion, so it really doesn’t have to make sense in the real wold. Would a drummer put powdered paint on drum heads? Maybe, if it would make the show more interesting, but what a mess! But Gav and Dan have no problem with a mess. They go on to try variations, like drumming from underneath and using a cymbal. What they’re demonstrating is the powerful vibration response, but it all just looks neat. (via Viral Viral Videos)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oddly meditative to watch.

Anonymous said...

Those guys are always interesting to watch but they do cause the brain to kick in trying to figure a way to use this newfound knowledge...
for good of course, never for profit or revenge on that SOB that screwed you over.

Bicycle Bill said...

The Blue Man Group has been doing (liquid) paint on drums in their act for years.


Anonymous said...

They use one color don't they, BB?